Terrorstory #8 – The Emperor of Fear


The Emperor of Fear - Land of Fright Terrorstory #8The Emperor of Fear

In ancient Rome, two colosseum workers encounter a mysterious crate containing an unearthly creature. Just in time for the next gladiator games…


This horror short story is now available on Amazon.

The Emperor of Fear available now on Amazon

There Was No Waiting Until Tomorrow

Aurelius set the pry bar down and eased the lid of the crate to the side, moving it just enough so he could peer inside. He raised the oil lamp he held in his hand and the wan light from the flame flowed into the crate.

She sat huddled in the corner, her knees pulled up to her chest. Her white stola was streaked with dried mud and dried blood. Her head hung down, her long black hair shielding her face from the yellow light cast by the lamp.


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